Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Adventures with Edward: Edward takes up a hobby

Setting: living room of the human

One night, Edward wanders over to a stash of yarn. Standing amidst all the yarn, Edward decides he needs a hobby.

Looking around, Edward grabs the first needles he can find and some yarn. He chooses a very manly color.

Poor Edward. Those needles are much too big for him. Unless he wants to do the javelin.

Hunting around, Edward finds something more his size.

Ever so carefully, Edward begins his project. He weilds his toothpick knitting needles like a champ, whipping that embroidery floss into submission.

Quicker than you can say “Vampire Dolls Make Knitting Cool”, Edward finishes his creation. He models his scarf and wonders if Bella Doll will look at him with new plastic eyes.

Either way, he feels stylin.

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